Staff Council is thrilled to announce the 2024 Staff Day Awards nominees. The campus community is invited to the opening ceremony of Staff Day at 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 30.
The university presents benefit-eligible staff who have reached milestones in their career with a certificate honoring their contributions, beginning with five years of service. The following employees received milestone service recognition awards in March.
Missouri S&T has joined JED Campus in support of student well-being and mental health. The program is a nationwide initiative of The JED Foundation (JED) designed to help schools evaluate and strengthen their mental health, substance misuse and suicide prevention programs to safeguard individual and community health. S&T’s membership began with establishing an interdisciplinary, campuswide team. he team is named the S&T Health and Well-being Committee. It includes:
For the third consecutive year, Dr. Jeffrey Winiarz received the S&T’s Advising Center’s “We Love Your Class” award from freshman students, who voted for their favorite teacher. Dr. Agnes Vojta received second place. Other nominees include: