A local sixth grader’s idea inspired an annual donation drive to benefit the Rolla Mission this holiday season. The materials science and engineering department collected more than 2,000 items for the local homeless community, marking one of its largest contributions to date.
Read More »Missouri S&T’s English honor society, Sigma Tau Delta, will host two events about the Little Women novel by Louisa May Alcott.
Read More »Make a child’s holiday brighter or help feed a family by donating to the Greater Rolla Area Charitable Enterprise (GRACE) or Rolla Mission by Nov. 26. Get a list of items needed.
Read More »Drop by the Fall Staff Appreciation Day 8:30 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Oct. 31, at the Puck and enter to win a door prize. All attendees are eligible to enter the prize drawing and do not need to be present to win. To get an extra ticket for the prize drawing, bring an item to donate to the Greater Rolla Area Charitable Enterprise (GRACE) or the Rolla Mission. Click here for a list of items. The schedule includes: