Wireless internet equipment will be upgraded in the following buildings during business hours Tuesday, April 23:
Campus Support Facility
Bureau of Mines Building 1
Bureau of Mines Building 2
Nagogami Building 1 (Old Missouri Enterprise)
Nagogami Bldg 2 (South Central Regional Professional Development Center)
Wednesday, April 24:
HyPoint Research Facility
Thursday, April 25:
Solar House Village
Student Health Services
Surplus Building
Kummer Student Design Center
Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Facility
The upgrades will add new wireless options of MST-Public-N, MST-PSK-N and MST-WPA-N. Only brief outages are expected as the wireless options change from MST-Public to MST-Public-N, MST-PSK to MST-PSK-N and MST-WPA to MST-WPA-N. After the upgrade, users will have to reset their wireless connection to accept the new wireless option. Visit it.mst.edu/services/wireless/wpa/ and it.mst.edu/services/wireless/psk/ for instructions on resetting your wireless connection.