The engineering management and systems engineering (EMSE) department would like to thank the Academy of Engineering Management for sponsoring the 2013 annual Spring Honors Luncheon on Friday, April 19. Students, faculty and academy members were honored for their achievements.
As well as awards, numerous students were inducted into the Engineering Management Honor Society (Epsilon Mu Eta) and a panel of academy members and undergraduate students spoke about preparing students for the workplace and marketing themselves for future endeavors. The following awards were presented:
Outstanding M.S. Research Award: Frank Sauer, a graduate student in systems engineering, and the overall, and Lizzette Perez-Lespier, a graduate student in engineering management
Outstanding Ph.D. Research Award: Siddartha Agarwal, a graduate student in systems engineering and the overall, and Ahmed Al Sharif, a graduate student in engineering management
Outstanding Undergraduate Faculty Award: Dr. Elizabeth Cudney, assistant professor
Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award: Dr. Joan Schuman, assistant teaching professor
Don Myers Leadership Award: Kathryn Hendricks, senior in engineering management
Outstanding Senior Award: Andrew Simek, senior in engineering management
Bernie Sarchet Award: Jeff Steinhart, a 1979 engineering management graduate and president of the Academy of Engineering Management
The department extends congratulations to all the winners and honor society inductees and thanks everyone who attended and made this year’s luncheon a success.