Open forums today for director position

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On March 12, 2013

Open forums will be held at 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. today, Thursday, March 14, for two candidates applying for the director of recruitment marketing and enrollment development position. Each candidate will discuss the role of recruitment marketing and enrollment development in the Missouri S&T strategic plan. The campus community is invited to attend the forums as follows:

The open forum for Timothy L. Albers, former associate vice president for enrollment management and director of admissions at Western State College of Colorado will be held at 3 p.m. in the Meramec Room of the Havener Center.
A member of the Western State College enrollment management staff from 2000-2012, Albers served as director of admissions at Ottawa University in Ottawa, Kan., and as senior associate director of admissions for the Colorado School of Mines. He currently serves as interim director in the marketing and enrollment development office on campus.
The open forum for Debra Schatz, assistant director of admissions for transfer students will be held at 4 p.m. in the Meramec Room of the Havener Center.
Before joining S&T in 2002, Schatz was a high school math teacher and an instructional assistant in the pre-engineering department and adjunct math faculty at East Central College. She is responsible for programs that assist students who transfer to S&T from other colleges or universities.

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On March 12, 2013. Posted in Announcements