Funeral arrangements for student announced

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On November 27, 2009

Visitation for Gordon M. Robinson will be held from 4-6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 1, at Lee’s Summit First Assembly of God, 425 S.W. Oldham Parkway, Lee’s Summit, Mo. The funeral will be held at 6 p.m. following visitation.

Memorial contributions are suggested in lieu of flowers to the Gordon Robinson Memorial Scholarship Fund. Memorial contributions may be made through Marts Memorial Services,
Robinson, 20, was killed in a vehicle accident Friday, Nov. 20. The accident occurred on U.S. 63 in Osage County, Mo.
Robinson was a freshman majoring in computer science at S&T, where he was a member of the Theta Xi fraternity. He was from Independence, Mo.

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On November 27, 2009. Posted in Announcements