Nominees for advising awards announced

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On April 16, 2008

Congratulations to the nominees for 2007-2008 Outstanding Academic Advising Awards:
Diana Ahmad, associate professor of history and political science; Mary Ellen Kirgan, mathematics and statistics instructor; Stuart Baur, assistant professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering; Kate Drowne, assistant professor of English and technical communication; William Fahrenholtz, associate professor of materials science and engineering; Fathi Finaish, professor and associate chair of mechanical and aerospace engineering; Vicki Hudgins, graduate specialist in the office of graduate studies; Merilee Krueger, psychology lecturer; Susan Murray, associate professor of engineering management and acting chair of graduate studies; John Myers, associate professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering; Kathryn Northcut, associate professor of English and technical communication; David Riggins, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering; Debra Schatz, assistant director of transfer admissions; R. Joe Stanley, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering; and Daniel Tauritz, assistant professor of computer science.
The winners will be announced Tuesday, April 22. The awards ceremony will be held at noon on Tuesday, April 29, at Matt’s Steakhouse.

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On April 16, 2008. Posted in Announcements