Faculty awarded Ignition Grants for Educational Tranformation

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On September 6, 2022

Six research teams have received Kummer Ignition Grants for Sustainable Educational Transformation to support new and innovative ideas that lead to transformations in education at Missouri S&T.

The annual grant program is only one of many initiatives created by the $300 million gift from June and Fred Kummer.

Totaling $275,000, the six Kummer Ignition Grants for Sustainable Educational Transformation projects and research teams are:

“Promoting Entrepreneurial Mindset Learning in Mechanics of Materials”

  • Dr. Nicolas A. Libre, associate teaching professor of structural engineering
  • Dr. Bonnie Bachman, professor of economics

“BIORETS Ignition Research Incubation Proposal”

  • Dr. Dave Duvernell, professor and chair of biological sciences
  • Dr. Beth Kania-Goshe, professor and chair of teacher education and certification
  • Heather Sweeney, grant writer for Kummer Center for STEM Education
  • Dr. Robin Verble, associate professor of biological sciences and field station director
  • Dr. Dave Westenberg, professor of biological sciences. https://drlauryn.com

“Developing Asynchronous Delivery of Graduate Certificate in Mining Project Evaluation”

  • Dr. Lana Alagha, associate professor and graduate program coordinator for mining and explosives engineering
  • Dr. Kwame Awuah-Offei, Union Pacific/Rocky Mountain Energy Professor and department chair of mining and explosives engineering
  • Dr. Alexander Douglas, assistant teaching professor of mining and explosives engineering
  • Dr. Catherine Johnson, Quenon Associate Professor of mining engineering
  • Matthew Oommen, lecturer for mining and explosives engineering.

“EnterpriseLive! Phase 1: Building and Integrating Living Business Simulation”

  • Dr. Cassie Elrod, associate professor and acting chair of business and information technology
  • Dr. LiLi Eng, associate professor of business and information technology
  • Dr. Mike Hilgers, professor of business and information technology
  • Dr. Bih-Ru Lea, associate professor of business and information technology
  • Dr. Sarah Stanley, associate professor and associate chair of business and information technology
  • Dr. Vincent Yu, associate professor of business and information technology.

“Bachelor of Science in Automation Engineering Degree”

  • Dr. Kelvin Erickson, Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor of electrical engineering
  • Dr. Krishna Krishnamurthy, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
  • Dr. Joseph Smith, Laufer Endowed Energy Chair and professor of chemical and biochemical engineering

 “SPARC/Summer Program Aspiring Research Community”

  • Dr. David Borrok, interim vice provost and dean of the College of Engineering and Computing
  • Courtney Jones, director of the Kummer Center for STEM Education
  • Dr. Beth Kania-Gosche, professor and chair of teacher education and certification
  • Dr. Melanie Mormile, professor of biological sciences and associate dean of research and external relations for the College of Arts, Sciences, and Education
  • Heather Sweeney, grant writer for the Kummer Center for STEM Education.

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On September 6, 2022. Posted in Accomplishments