Fidelity financial counseling

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On September 24, 2015

Tim Wayman, Fidelity workplace planning and guidance consultant, will be on campus Thursday, Oct. 15, to offer 45-minute planning sessions to show how to create your financial roadmap. Sign up for one-on-one sessions with the Fidelity consultant online.

Wayman will also present a one-hour question-and-answer seminar 2-3 p.m. that Thursday in the Mark Twain Room of the Havener Center. This forum could make the difference in having enough money put away to relax and enjoy your retirement years rather than worrying how to pay the bills. Visit Fidelity’s website to will learn how to get started with investments, plan to invest in the future as well as take advantage of other tools and resources. To speak to a Fidelity consultant by phone, call 800-343-0860. For UM System retirement questions, call 341-6105.

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On September 24, 2015. Posted in Announcements