Dr. Dionysios D. Dionysiou will present “Advanced Oxidation Technologies and Nanotechnologies for Water Treatment: Fundamentals, Development and Applications, A Case Study in the Destruction of Cyanotoxins,” at 3 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15, in Room 125 Butler-Carlton Civil Engineering Hall. The seminar is sponsored by the Environmental Research Center.
Dionysiou is a candidate for the John and Susan Mathes Chair of Environmental Engineering. He was born on the island of Cyprus and currently teaches environmental engineering at the University of Cincinnati, where he received his Ph.D. in 2001.
He teaches courses on drinking water quality and treatment, advanced unit operations for water treatment, advanced oxidation technologies and nanotechnologies, and physical-chemical processes for water quality control. His research interests include advanced technologies for water treatment, advanced oxidation technologies, transition metal-based chemical oxidation, and nanotechnology.
Dionysiou is the author or co-author of 90 refereed journal publications, 80 conference proceedings, eight book chapter publications, and more than 300 presentations. He currently serves as editor or associate editor for four journals and is the recipient of several awards, including the NSF CAREER Award in 2005; the DuPont Young Professor Award in 2005; the 2007 Sigma Xi Award for Young Faculty, University of Cincinnati Chapter; and the 2006 College of Engineering Research Award for Young Faculty.