If you’re graduating in December 2024, you’re invited to nominate a faculty or staff member who helped support your dreams for special recognition at commencement.
Read More »Is there an outstanding Missouri S&T staff member you would like to recognize? Staff Council is now accepting nominations for Staff Excellence Awards, Outstanding Newcomer Award, and Outstanding Faculty Award. Nominations are due Friday, May 28.
Read More »Have you seen someone hold the door open for someone? Return a wallet? Get their friend home safely? These are all ways to STEP UP! If you see someone being an upstander by stepping up for someone else, nominate the upstander.
Read More »Nominations are being accepted for faculty awards for five areas: excellence, research, service, teaching and achievement. Nomination forms for all five awards are posted on the provost’s website.
If you will nominate someone for a Faculty Excellence Award or a Faculty Research Award, please email facultyaffairs@mst.edu with names of the nominees by Monday, Aug. 5. Complete nomination dossiers are due to facultyaffairs@mst.edu by Friday, Sept. 27.
For the Faculty Service Award, Faculty Teaching Award and Faculty Achievement Awards, you do not need to submit names in advance. Complete nomination dossiers for these awards are also due to facultyaffairs@mst.edu by Friday, Sept. 27.
Read More »Do you want to represent and promote the best interests of
Missouri S&T staff? Elections for the 2019-20 year for vacant Staff Council
positions are coming up. You may nominate yourself
or another staff member. Nominations are due Friday, June 21.
The University of Missouri System is accepting nominations of faculty members for the 2019-20 class of Presidential Engagement Fellows. Through the program, faculty members from S&T, MU, UMKC and UMSL share their research discoveries with Missouri citizens in every county. Nominations are due Friday, March 29.
Read More »Is there an outstanding Missouri S&T staff member you would like to recognize? How about a faculty member? Or a new staff member who deserves recognition? Staff Council is now accepting nominations for Staff Excellence Awards and two new accolades: Outstanding Newcomer Award and Outstanding Faculty Award. Nominations are due Friday, April 19.
Read More »Nominations are now being accepted for the Joe Mooney Distinguished Student Award. To nominate a student for the 2019-20 academic year, please submit a nomination form by Friday, March 1. The criteria for selection are:
Read More »The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) is now accepting nominations for Missouri S&T’s faculty awards.
The five awards are:
Elections for the 2018-19 year for vacant Staff Council positions are coming up. Nominations are due Friday, June 22. You may nominate yourself or another staff member. Staff Council seats will be vacant in the employee categories of: secretarial/clerical, administrative/professional and craft/maintenance.
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