Nominate someone for Joe Mooney Distinguished Student Award

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On January 16, 2019
Joe Mooney portrait

Joe Mooney

Nominations are now being accepted for the Joe Mooney Distinguished Student Award. To nominate a student for the 2019-20 academic year, please submit a nomination form by Friday, March 1.

The criteria for selection are:

  • High level of achievement of a sophomore or junior in a campus organization
  • Shows outstanding dedication to the community or school
  • Demonstrates leadership potential
  • Substantial indications of commitment to the service of others.

One award of $1,000 is given to an outstanding member of a recognized student organization; another $1,000 award is given to an outstanding officer in a recognized student organization. This award is presented at the Student Leaders’ Award Banquet.

This award was established in memory of Joseph W. Mooney, a 1939 S&T graduate. Joe Mooney was a past president of the Miner Alumni Association Board of Directors and served on the board for 30 years. He was an Honorary Knight of St. Patrick and a recipient of the Chancellor’s Medal. He received a professional degree from Missouri S&T in 1975.



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On January 16, 2019. Posted in Announcements