The Provost’s eFellow Program, facilitated through the Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE), was established to help instructors redesign their courses for online or blended delivery using course design best practices. The goal is improved student learning as well as maximizing the use of educational technologies. Award amounts of up to $5,000 are available.
Read More »The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) has awarded three faculty members with Provost’s eFellows grants for 2021-22. FE provided $13,000 to fund the following projects:
Read More »Full-time S&T faculty are invited to apply for the 2022 cycle of eFellows grants. Letters of intent will be accepted through Friday, June 11.
Read More »The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) announces faculty grant recipients for its two main grant programs: the educational research mini-grant program and the Provost’s eFellows grant program.
Read More »The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) announces that the 2020-21 grant cycle for the Provost’s eFellows program is now open. The program is administered by CAFE to assist instructors in designing or redesigning courses for blended or online delivery.
Read More »Eight proposals for the Provost’s eFellows grants have been accepted for 2018-19 as part of a program that promotes innovative and collaborative course design for blended or fully online courses.
Read More »Would you like to redesign your course for a blended or online audience? Missouri S&T’s eFellows program is designed to incentivize and support faculty. The program helps faculty redesign courses using best practices for teaching methodologies and technology for blended or online delivery. Mini-grants are available to support the redesign process as well as focused support and instructional design expertise from the educational technology. For more information, please contact Julie Phelps, instructional designer, at Letters of intent are due to Phelps by Friday, April 20, and must include the name of your course and co-principal investigators, if applicable.
Read More »There have been several calls for proposals for mini-grant funding opportunities at Missouri S&T, including educational research mini-grants, curriculum development grants, and eFellows grants. If you are interested in these programs, but have a hard time keeping them straight or knowing which one may be the best fit, you are not alone. The Center for Educational Research and Teaching Innovation (CERTI) offers a grant comparison chart that provides side-by-side comparison of due dates, eligibility, grant purposes, funding sources and where to find more information.
Read More »The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) is a new resource at Missouri S&T designed to promote the success of S&T faculty as teaching-scholars throughout all stages of their career. Led by Dr. Larry Gragg, chair, and Dr. Wayne Huebner, co-chair, CAFE was developed in Spring 2017 by the provost’s office, in conjunction with a campus steering committee.
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