Faculty projects selected for eFellows program

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On September 3, 2019

The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) has awarded five faculty with Provost’s eFellows grants for 2019-20. The program promotes innovative and collaborative course design for blended or fully online courses.

CAFE provided $20,000 to fund the following five projects:

  • “Course Design: Historical Representation in Video Games (History 4281),” by Dr. Andrew Behrendt, assistant professor of history and political science, $5,000
  • “American Literature Since the Civil War, Significant Course Revision and Redesign (English 1222),” by Dr. Trent Brown, professor of English and technical communication, $2,500
  • “Philosophy 1115 Introduction to Logic,” by Dr. Darin Finke, associate teaching professor of arts, languages and philosophy, $3,500
  • “CS Software Engineering Capstone Design (CS 4090, CS 4091),” by Dr. Michael Gosnell, assistant teaching professor of computer science, $4,000
  • “Course Redesign Computer Engineering 2210 – Intro to Digital Logic,” by Dr. Robert Woodley, assistant teaching professor of electrical and computer engineering, $5,000.

The Provost’s eFellows program provides funding to improve the learning environment while maximizing the physical learning facilities available for instruction. Support is provided by the CAFE instructional designers using best practices for eLearning.

Projects will be piloted in at least one course section in the 2020 academic year and expanded to additional course sections in future semesters. For more information, visit the Provost’s eFellows page on CAFE’s website.

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On September 3, 2019. Posted in Accomplishments, Announcements