Faculty projects selected for eFellows program

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On September 7, 2021

The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) has awarded three faculty members with Provost’s eFellows grants for 2021-22. The program promotes innovative and collaborative course design for variable modes of delivery.

CAFE provided $13,000 to fund the following three projects:

  • “Redesigning the Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (CerEng 4410) and the Advanced Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (CerEng 6410) courses, also known as ICME,” by Dr. Arezoo Emdadi, assistant professor of materials science and engineering, $5,000.
  • “Redesigning English 4290: Texts and Contexts,” by Dr. Dan Reardon, associate professor of English and technical communication and Missouri London Director of the English Teacher Education program, $3,000.
  • “Redesigning Principles of Microeconomics (Econ 1100), by Dr. Mahelet Fikru, associate professor of economics, $5,000.

The provost’s eFellow program provides funding to improve the learning environment while maximizing the physical learning facilities available for instruction. Support is provided by the CAFE instructional design team.

Projects will be piloted in at least one course section in the 2021 academic year and expanded to additional course sections in future semesters. For more information, visit the Provoost’s eFellows page on CAFE’s website.

Dr. Irina Ivliyeva, chair of CAFE, thanks the eFellow selection committee for their time, expertise and valuable suggestions for enhancing the program in the future.

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On September 7, 2021. Posted in Announcements