S&T students win first at academic competition

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On November 1, 2022

The A Team placed first at the Academic Competition Federation fall tournament. Pictured left to right, Jason Xu, Jeremy Robey, Garrett Blum and Sydney Moeller.

On Oct. 15, two teams of students from Missouri S&T’s Academic Competition Organization participated in the 2022 Academic Competition Federation fall tournament held at the University of Missouri-Columbia. The S&T teams competed in 12 rounds against seven universities, including the University of Illinois, University of Nebraska, Washington University, MU, St. Louis Community College-Meramec, Kansas State University and Saint Louis University. The A Team from S&T placed first with a record of 11-1. Individually, three students placed in the top 10 during the preliminary rounds: Garrett Blum placed fourth with 55.71 points per game (PPG), Ethan Paxson placed eighth with 40 PPG, and Jason Xu placed tenth with 39.29 PPG.

Students on the A Team included:

  • Garrett Blum, a senior in history.
  • Sydney Moeller, a sophomore in computer science.
  • Jeremy Robey, a senior in history.
  • Jason Xu, a sophomore in computer science.

Students on the B Team included:

  • Luke Fleck, a senior in applied mathematics.
  • Shafer Mullins, a freshman in civil engineering.
  • Ethan Paxson, a sophomore in information science and technology.

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On November 1, 2022. Posted in Accomplishments