Winners of latest VIP prize drawing announced

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On September 23, 2021

The second drawing for Missouri S&T’s Vaccine Incentive Program was held Sept. 17.

Faculty and staff winners are:

  • Dr. Melanie Mormile, professor of biological sciences and associate dean for research and external relations of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Business (CASB), won a Yeti rambler.
  • Ethan Long, groundskeeper for landscape and custodial services, won Apple AirPods.
  • Kevin Hasner, senior electronics technician for electrical and computer engineering, won tickets to a Cardinals baseball game.
  • Ryan Boringdon, licensed practical nurse for Student Health Services, won tickets to a Cardinals baseball game.
  • Stacey Fuller, business support specialist for design, construction and space management, won a $100 Amazon gift card.

How you can win

There are more prizes to claim. The next prize drawing will be held tomorrow (Friday, Sept. 24). If you’d like to be entered, log into myHR, then click the “COVID Vaccine Upload” tile and follow the instructions to report your COVID-19 vaccination. 

Learn more about the incentive program at

Vaccine clinics coming up

Ready to get your COVID-19 vaccine? In partnership with Phelps Health, Missouri S&T will host clinics to administer the Pfizer vaccine 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 6, and Wednesday, Oct. 27, both in the Meramec and Gasconade rooms of the Havener Center. For additional vaccine sites in the Rolla area, visit

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On September 23, 2021. Posted in Announcements, Coronavirus