S&T receives grant, launches “Why I Got Vaccinated” project

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On September 16, 2021

Missouri S&T’s student well-being team has received a grant from the American College Health Association (CoVAC) to help address COVID-19 vaccine confidence and health information at S&T this semester. Missouri S&T was one of 41 colleges and universities within 25 states that were selected for this grant. The funding will be used to help create and publish a variety of educational and health promotion materials for the S&T community.

As part of the programming from this grant, student well-being has created the S&T “Why I Got Vaccinated” Project. This social media campaign showcases the motivations for getting vaccinated and the experiences shared by S&T students, faculty and staff. The project is available on Instagram at @sandtwellbeing and highlighted in the COVID-19 stories tab. If you would like to share your story, visit bit.ly/3hcRrjT and please do not include any identifying details.

The student well-being team will host tabling events and distribute information on COVID-19 throughout the semester. Keep on the lookout for events and social media posts.

In partnership with Phelps Health, Missouri S&T will host clinics to administer the Pfizer vaccine at the following times:

  • 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 6, in the Meramec and Gasconade Rooms of the Havener Center
  • 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27, in the Meramec and Gasconade Rooms of the Havener Center.

Still have questions or concerns about the vaccines? Check out these resources on some common topics. If you still have questions, consider asking your health care provider for more details:

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On September 16, 2021. Posted in Announcements, Coronavirus