Following a successful tutoring pilot program last year, the Kummer Center for STEM Education and S&T’s teacher education and certification department will partner to provide free tutoring to K-12 students.
Tutoring hours will be limited for each learner based on schedule and availability. Tutoring will be available both in-person and online via Zoom. At this time, the program can provide one hour of tutoring per week per child.
If you are interested in a tutor for your child, please complete this form. You will be emailed when a tutor matching your request is available, along with information about the location or Zoom link. You may request tutoring for more than one child, but you must fill out a separate form for each child.
The tutoring is free; however, donations to support the program would be appreciated. Donations can be made on the Missouri S&T Giving site by checking “other.” For more information, please contact the Kummer Center for STEM Education at 573-341-6204 or email