Dr. Debra Robinson, vice chancellor for student affairs, has served Missouri S&T for 40 years, and Dr. Paul Hirtz, administrative operations manager and student conduct officer, has served the university for 20 years.
Missouri S&T Staff Council recognizes the following individuals for marking their milestone years of service (5, 10, 15, etc.) from June 1, 2019, through Dec. 31, 2020.
Each employee listed received a thank-you postcard from the council. Additionally, Staff Council members delivered gifts to employees who reached 20, 25, 30 and 40 years of service.
The employees and their years of service are:
40 years of service
Cindy Heck, Staff Council member, presents Betty Birkner, business support specialist in environmental health and safety, with a gift for her 35 years of service to S&T.
Dr. Debra Robinson
35 years of service
Betty Birkner
Ron Boggs (retired in June 2021)
Mitchell Cottrell
Denise Eddings
Linda Guyton-Gladden
Karl Lutzen
Jesse Singleton
30 years of service
Dean Brumett
Patrice Hatcher
Tony Hunt
John Kean Jr.
Mark Potrafka
Garnett Walters
Mitchell Cottrell, engineer in mechanical and aerospace engineering, 35 years of service
25 years of service
Jennifer Bayless
Dr. Patti Fleck (retired in June 2021)
Deanne Jackson
Curtis Lopez
Cheryl McKay
Rebecca Merrell
Roger Parsons
John Petrikovitsch
Mary Helen Stoltz
Cliff Walker Jr.
Allen Wilkins Jr.
Jason Woodward
20 years of service
Perry Koob, expert database administrator, 20 years of service, and Karl Lutzen, information security officer, 35 years of service.
Eric Bohannan
Lucretia Eaton
Kenneth Forester
Dr. Paul Hirtz
Lila Kolker
Perry Koob
Ryan Lantzer
Randall Lewis
Sharon Matson
Ardith McComb
Roger Walker
Matthew Wyatt
15 years of service
Roger Parsons, construction manager, 25 years of service, and Ed Dunn, landscape designer, 15 years of service
Bridgette Betz
Rhonda Byers
Dawn Davis
Edward Dunn
Brooke Durbin
Stephanie Fann
Cynthia Germeroth
Diane Gremp
Dr. Edna Grover-Bisker
James Gunn
Randy Haffer
Melanie Hopkins
Donald Howdeshell
Joyce Jacobs
Sophia Kim
Michelle Mehmert
Joseph Pelikan
Sandy Ray
Phillip Roark
Penelope Roberts
Carrie Rossy
Glenn Sealock Jr.
Karen Swope
Kenneth Trout
Vicki Tyler (retired in June 2021)
David Urton
Jeannie Werner
Debra Wielms
10 years of service
Sharon Matson, manager of student support services in graduate studies, 20 years of service
William Aaron
Sarah Baggett
Hilary Beam
Phyllis Blackwell
Cynthia Boles
Sandra Bridges
Tyrone Davidson
Patrick Fehrenbach
Dr. Dennis Goodman
Kevin Green
Kevin Hasner
Theresa Herron
Seth Hodge
David Hood
John Hoss
Misty House
Bobby Hutchison
Melanie Keeney
Oscar Kemp Jr.
Scott Kickbusch
Carrie Light
Donna Luechtefeld
Eric Mathews
Joseph McCauley
Ron Ours
Michael Perkins
DeWayne Phelps (retiring in June 2021)
Montana Prewett
Carolyn Pridgeon
Patricia Reising
Troy Rosenburg
David Scholl
Audery Shaub
Nicholas White
John Woodson
5 years of service
Eric Bohannan, senior research specialist at the Materials Research Center, 20 years of service
Ryan Lantzer, expert system administrator, 20 years of service, with Cindy Heck, Staff Council member