David Rogers teaches a class in 2017. Photo taken by Sam O’Keefe/Missouri S&T before current COVID-19 guidelines.
Join Dr. David Rogers, the Karl F. Hasselmann Missouri Chair in Geological Engineering, as he discusses the connection between the public’s demand for better highways in the 1940s and the U.S. military’s need for runways for intercontinental bombers in the early 1950s. Rogers will present his talk, titled “B-52s and Freeways” at 10-11 a.m. Monday, Oct. 26, via Zoom.
This talk is one of virtual several events during Extension and Engagement Week 2020. This week-long celebration — with events from all four UM System campuses — will showcase the impact of extension programming and university engagement on addressing Missouri’s challenges in economic opportunity, educational excellence and access, and health and well-being. See a full schedule of events.