Travel guidelines updated

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On August 5, 2020

Missouri S&T’s travel guidelines have recently been updated. Decisions involving all university-related travel, whether local, national/domestic, or international, must be made after careful considerations of the implications of that travel on protecting the S&T community from the spread of COVID-19, and of the financial impact of that travel on the university. 

Individuals are encouraged to first consider non-travel options for conducting necessary university business. If such options do not exist or are not appropriate for that business, then a traveler should obtain written authorization from their supervisor confirming that the trip is necessary, using the travel authorization policies in place for each unit. 

If internal funds are to be used to support that travel, authorization should be made by the appropriate division leader. Decisions regarding travel sponsored by external organizations (not university-sponsored travel) are made at the departmental, college, or division level. Everyone who travels on university-related business, whether on internal or external support, should review the Campus Travel Guidelines and should submit a Travel Safety Plan to when requesting travel authorization from their supervisor.

Students requesting to travel internationally, and faculty who accompany them must submit a travel request through the Student International Travel, Risk Assessment and Safety (SITRAS) Committee.

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On August 5, 2020. Posted in Announcements, Coronavirus