Renew your parking permit by June 15

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On June 13, 2018

Missouri S&T’s parking operations is paperless. Please renew your parking permit at by Friday, June 15. Follow these steps to renew:

  1. Beneath the Parking Lot Operations header, click “Getting a Parking Permit.”
  2. Under “Employees,” select “Renew Your Employee Permit.” Log in using your university credentials.
  3. Click “Requests” and “Status.” Select “Add to Requests” at the right side of your current permit.
  4. Position will show “Pending” until program updates. This can take 24-48 hours.

The parking lot operations staff will process your request and mail your new permit to your campus mailing address by Wednesday, Aug. 1.

Your vehicle information for each additional sticker must be entered on the Parking Renewal webpage prior to issuance:

  • License number
  • State in which license plate was issued
  • Year plate expires
  • Make and model of vehicle

The first and second stickers are included in your employee permit fee. For a third sticker and any additional stickers, you will be charged an additional one-time fee of $4 each.

Your initial renewal permit will be mailed by Aug. 1, and additional stickers will be sent out as soon as possible as they are processed. If you are currently on the waiting list, your status will need to be updated every nine months. You will receive an email notification to do this. All wait list requests are processed based on your employee benefit-eligible date.

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On June 13, 2018. Posted in Announcements