Internal communications survey results available

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On May 24, 2017

Most faculty and staff believe Missouri S&T’s official communication channels keep them informed, according to an internal communications survey conducted in February. Overall, 67 percent of respondents said they are “very well informed” or “well informed” and 27 percent said they are “adequately informed.” View the survey results.

A few highlights of the survey results include:

  • Of 12 communication channels, the top three that survey respondents said they use to receive information and identified as how they prefer to receive information are:
    1. Faculty and staff eConnection
    2. Supervisor or department chair
    3. Departmental meetings
  • Regarding open forum topics, respondents said they were most interested in:
  1. Budget
  2. Polices, procedures or human resources updates
  3. Strategic planning, strategic direction or progress on strategic plan
  • Missouri S&T’s emergency notifications are rated as either “moderately useful” or “extremely useful” by 90 percent of survey respondents.
  • The faculty and staff eConnection is the main source for official information for 78 percent of respondents. Most respondents (72 percent) also said the faculty and staff eConnection is their preferred source for information.
  • Most survey respondents (81 percent) found the faculty and staff eConnection either “somewhat helpful” or “extremely helpful” in promoting their events or programs.

The survey was conducted in February and received an 18 percent response rate. Among the 374 respondents, 72 percent are staff and 24 percent are faculty, with four percent of survey respondents classifying themselves as “other.” View the survey results.

The survey responses provide insights that will be used to improve internal communications to faculty and staff. Result summaries have been shared with Missouri S&T’s Staff Council and members of the chancellor’s leadership team. Next, focus groups will be created for further input. If you are interested in joining a focus group, please contact Velvet Hasner, manager of internal communications, at

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On May 24, 2017. Posted in Announcements