Leadership and cultural programs and the LGBTQIA Advisory Board are hosting S&T Ally Week. The week begins today, Monday, April 24, and concludes Monday, May 1. If you share on social media, use hashtag #SandTAlly.
Events include:
- Take the Ally Pledge, have your photo taken and get your official S&T Ally shirt and ribbon 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. Monday, April 24, and Wednesday, April 26, in the Havener Center Atrium.
- Learn about the many ways to be an Ally at noon Friday, April 28, in Room 208 Norwood Hall.
- Wear your official S&T Ally shirt and participate in a group photo of Missouri S&T allies at 12:15 p.m. Monday, May 1, in the Havener Center Atrium.