Do you have chronic illness, pain, anxiety or depression? Register now for stress reduction classes and earn 100 points toward the 2016 Wellness Incentive that will pay you up to $450 for taking steps to live a healthier life.
Orientation will be held Tuesday, Sept. 22. Classes will be held every Tuesday evening from Sept. 29 through Nov. 17 with a full-day retreat on Saturday, Oct. 31.
The cost is $40 for faculty, staff and retirees, which includes registration for you and your spouse or partner. A $20 rebate is available if you attend seven of the eight classes. For more information call 573-882-0963.
Three decades of research show the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program is effective in helping people cope with medical problems, job- or family-related stress, anxiety and depression. Join this eight-week program to get tools for using formal mindfulness techniques like meditation, yoga and body scan to respond to stress.