Microsoft has released an iOS and Android application for Outlook. There are ample security concerns with these applications. At noon Tuesday, Feb. 3, information technology (IT) blocked the application from authenticating with Missouri S&T Exchange servers. IT security will continue to evaluate the security bearing of this application and any other application which may release university credentials to unknown resources. Remind your departments of the importance of not using university credentials on outside systems and applications.
Some of the features included in the Microsoft Outlook application will put user data at risk. The largest concern is that the application stores your university account credentials in the cloud and uses this information to monitor ActiveSync accounts. In addition, the application has file sharing capabilities with One-Drive, Dropbox and Google Drive. This allows all mail attachments and data to be shared with each of these services without your permission.
For assistance, contact the IT Help Desk by calling 341-4357 (HELP), visit the IT Help Desk on the first floor of the Curtis Laws Wilson Library or submit a ticket online at