‘100 Miles’ T-shirt design contest

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On September 20, 2013

The English and technical communication (ETC) department is holding a T-shirt design contest to promote the local version of the governor’s 100 Missouri Miles Challenge, “Phelps County: 100 Miles in 100 Days.” Students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to submit T-shirt designs (three color maximum) to Dr. Kathryn Northcut in Room 216 Humanities and Social Sciences Building or northcut@mst.edu. Submission deadline is Friday, Sept. 27. Email Northcut for detailed submission instructions.

The T-shirt design entries must include the theme for the local initiative: “100 Miles in 100 Days” and “Phelps County.”

The ETC department is partnering in this effort with the governor’s office, Phelps County Regional Medical Center, the Rolla Chamber of Commerce, the Community Partnership and others to encourage people to get out and experience the outdoors through walking, running, hiking, floating, cycling or  other recreational activities. Register for free online at 100missourimiles.com.

T-shirt design contest entrants are not required to participate in the 100 Missouri Miles Challenge.

Detailed submission instructions:

  • Hand-drawn designs should be scanned at high resolution; ideally at 600 dpi but no less than 300 dpi.
  • Designs can be one, two or three color. Specify color number as precisely as possible, depending on the process you used to create the design.
  • Vector graphics are ideal. Submit your .ai, .psd  or .eps file without compression.
  • Bitmap graphics should be .jpeg if possible; .pdf files are acceptable if the design is full-sized (image can’t be enlarged from small, compressed files).

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On September 20, 2013. Posted in Announcements