Instructors invited to webinar Nov. 29

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On November 26, 2011

Instructors are invited to attend “Faculty-Student Interaction: Research-based, Time-effective Tips to Engage,” a webinar sponsored by the American Society for Engineering Education and funded by the National Science Foundation, from 3-4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29, in Room 305 Norwood Hall. RSVP to Diane Hagni ( to join the webinar in Norwood Hall, or register for individual viewing.

Research shows that students’ perceptions of their capabilities are strongly influenced by their faculty, and even small casual interactions can make a big difference in students’ success and persistence. The webinar will include time-effective strategies for faculty that can be implemented immediately.
The presenter is Dr. Becky Wai-Ling Packard, an expert on mentoring and persistence in higher education, with a focus on the experience of first-generation college students, women and minorities. She studies the transition from high school to college, and diverse pathways in science and technology fields.

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On November 26, 2011. Posted in Lectures