Tablets in teaching

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On October 17, 2011

What do tablet PC’s and other types of tablets have in common with chalkboards and overhead transparencies? More than you would think, says Kelly Homan, associate professor of mechanical engineering, who will share on “Using Tablets in Teaching” at noon, Friday, Oct. 21, in Norwood 208 as part of the Faculty Learning Community series. (Please note the change in date).

Homan, who says he would have chosen chalk over any other option in the classroom in years past, says his tablet allows him to do what he used to do on the chalkboard plus much more. He can now save everything he writes for future use, dynamically mark up static PDFs and PowerPoint slides, and easily insert supplementary material.
“You can do more things with a tablet than you ever thought,” he says, “and it’s no more difficult than using chalk.”
This is a brown-bag event sponsored by CERTI and Educational Technology. Dessert and drinks will be provided. Reserve your spot by contacting Diane Hagni at

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On October 17, 2011. Posted in Lectures