Vesting/Retirement Seminar Sept. 21

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On September 17, 2011

Join a representative from the UM faculty and staff benefits retirement office from 3:30-5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, in the Telepresence Room, Room 201-A Wilson Library, for a Vesting/Retirement Seminar. This seminar is ideal for any benefit-eligible employee who wants an overview of the University of Missouri retirement, disability and death benefit plan, including what it means to achieve vesting or retirement and the payment options associated with each benefit. The session is geared toward anyone more than 10 years from retirement. Space is limited to 18 attendees, so call 573-341-4241 to RSVP to human resource services, affirmative action, diversity and inclusion.

A second session of the Vesting/Retirement Seminar is planned in March and will be advertised then. Employees eligible to retire should watch for individual information regarding the Pre-Retirement Planning Seminar, also by telepresence, scheduled in October.

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On September 17, 2011. Posted in Lectures