IEE encourages campus community to “think green”

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On December 23, 2008

The Institute for Environmental Excellence at Missouri S&T encourages everyone to “think green” this year by conserving electricity, recycling wrapping paper and properly disposing of Christmas trees.

  • Make sure all power sources are unplugged. This will help reduce electricity costs by killing sources of phantom energy. Even when computers are “sleeping” or printers are idle, power is still being pulled.
  • The Rolla Recycling Center accepts most types of wrapping paper and gift boxes. You can either put your wrapping paper and boxes out with your weekly recycling or deposit them in the newspaper recycling bins and the Recycling Center, located at 2141 Old St. James Road. Foil wrap and ribbons are not recyclable, and the boxes should be free of Styrofoam, metal, and plastics. Those items should be disposed of in your trash.
  • The Recycling Center will also accept Christmas trees through Sunday, Jan. 18, 2009. Please ensure that all garland, tinsel, ornaments, stands and plastic bags are removed before dropping off your tree at the Recycling Center.
  • The Phelps County Transfer Station has a drop-off site available all year long for yard waste materials, so Christmas trees can also be taken there for disposal. All decorations must be removed from these trees as well. Most of the trees collected at both sites will be chipped for compost. However, some of the trees are used in ponds for fish habitat.

The IEE would like to hear what you did this year at your own home to make it a green Christmas. Share your ideas with Julie Wilson at .

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On December 23, 2008. Posted in Announcements