Missouri S&T’s Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) is raising funds to support relief efforts following the earthquake that rocked central China on May 12. So far, the group has raised $2,265.66. A portion of the funds were sent to Mercy Corps and Sun Microsystems is providing a 1:1 match.
Checks payable to CSSA can be mailed to Chen Songjie, Missouri Enterprise #200, 408-0555, scn6f@mst.edu, or Wang Zhonglai, Room 348 Toomey Hall, 341-6560, wangzho@mst.edu.
Other ways to donate include:
American Red Cross (202) 303-5551
Red Cross of China 86-10-65139999
Mercy Corps (888) 256-1900 or (800) 292-3355
For more information contact Xiaoping Du, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, at 341-7249 or email dux@mst.edu.