The Environmental Research Center (ERC) at Missouri S&T recently presented four Missouri S&T students with 2007 Barr Engineering Student Publication Awards.
The awards, made possible by a donation from Barr Engineering, are awarded annually to students publishing the most outstanding peer-reviewed journal publication in each calendar year. The awards are voted on by all of the ERC faculty investigators. The students received a framed certificate and a cash award.
Dr. Muriel Auriol, a visiting scholar, and Dr. Maneerat Ongwandee, a postdoctoral fellow, tied for first place. Auriol’s paper, titled “Laccase-Catalyzed Conversion of Natural and Synthetic Hormones from a Municipal Wastewater,” was published in “Water Research” with co-authors Youssef Filali-Meknassis, Rajeshwar D. Tyagi and Dr. Craig Adams, the John and Susan Mathes Missouri Chair of Environmental Engineering. Ongwandee’s paper, titled “Adsorption of Trimethylamine on Zirconium Silicate and Polyethylene Powder Surfaces,” was published in “Colloids and Surfaces” with co-authors Dr. Charles C. Chusuei, assistant professor of chemistry at Missouri S&T, Xiaowen Guo, and Dr. Glenn C. Morrison, associate professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering at Missouri S&T.
Postdoctoral fellows Dr. Justin Sutherland and Dr. Tian Wang tied for third place. Sutherland’s paper, titled “Determination of Hydroxyl Radical Rate Constants for Fuel Oxygenates,” was published in “Environmental Engineering Science” with coauthor Adams. Wang’s paper, “The Leaching Characteristics of Selenium from Coal Fly Ashes,” was published the “Journal of Environmental Quality” with co-authors Dr. Jianmin Wang, assistant professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering at Missouri S&T, and Dr. Joel Burken, associate professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering at Missouri S&T.
“This is a great way to recognize and emphasize the importance of the scholarly achievements of the student researchers in the Environmental Research Center at Missouri S&T,” says Adams, director of the center. “We are very thankful the Barr Engineering for making this annual award possible.”
Copies of the award papers are available by emailing