In conjunction with the University of Missouri System, Missouri S&T is contributing to a systemwide plan for all four UM System campuses, named the Missouri Compact for Education, Research, Engagement and Economic Development. Much of Missouri S&T’s previous strategic planning has focused on the compact’s strategic areas. Updates and details on the planning process will be posted online. Dr. Christopher G. Maples, interim chancellor, appointed Dr. Robert Marley, provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs, as chair of Missouri S&T’s Strategic Plan Committee. The committee includes:
Read More »A Missouri S&T group recently published a paper titled “Blending the Best of Both Worlds: Overcoming Skepticism in a Hybrid Engineering Course” in the American Society for Quality’s Quality Approaches in Higher Education. The group is comprised of Dr. Susan Murray, interim chair of psychological science and professor of engineering management and systems engineering at S&T; Julie Phelps, instructional designer in educational technology at S&T; and Kelly Jones, an adjunct instructor at Webster University and training manager at Nestle Purina in St. Louis.
Read More »Engineering management and systems engineering (EMSE) faculty and programs received multiple honors at the 2015 American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) International Annual Conference. The following awards were presented to Missouri S&T:
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