On Dec. 7, University Police joined area law enforcement agencies for Phelps County’s Shop with a Cop program, giving children in need the opportunity to shop for gifts with a law enforcement officer.
Read More »Don’t be alarmed if you see Chief Doug in your office – he’s here to help spread some fun and raise funds! University Police is raising money for the Cops Care and Shop with a Cop program this year.
Read More »On Dec. 9, University Police joined area law enforcement agencies for Phelps County’s Shop with a Cop program, giving children in need the opportunity to shop for gifts with a law enforcement officer. Thanks to campus and community donors, University Police raised $5,500, surpassing last year’s donations by $4,000.
Read More »If you thought it was fun to find Waldo, wait until Chief Doug finds you! University Police is raising money for the Cops Care and Shop with a Cop program this year.
Read More »University Police officers and staff are participating in “No Shave November” or “Jeanvember” to help raise funds for Phelps County’s Shop with a Cop program. Missouri S&T police officers and department staff members make a donation to either not shave or to wear jeans during November. With the raised funds, local offices take children holiday shopping in December. To donate to Shop with a Cop, please stop by S&T’s police department on the ground floor of the Campus Support Facility or contact Chief Doug Roberts.
Read More »You may have noticed that Chief Doug Roberts looks unshaven lately, or you may have seen other officers sporting beards and wearing jeans. No, it is not a new dress code for the Missouri S&T Police Department, but rather part of a fundraiser for the “Shop with a Cop” program. The police department is raising funds by participating in “no-shave November” and “Jean-vember” events. The Gamma Gamma Gamma chapter of the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity and the S&T Optimists will help by holding a “Beard Off” at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 4, in the St. Pat’s Ballroom of the Havener Center. Beards will be judged and prizes will be awarded.
Read More »The Missouri S&T Police Department joined area law enforcement agencies on Dec. 13 for the 23rd annual Cops Care, where children in need get the opportunity to go Christmas shopping with a law enforcement officer. Officer Matthew Farrar represented Missouri S&T. The Phelps County Sheriff’s Department hosts the program and Walmart gives each child a $75 gift card.
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