Katelyn Brinker, a graduate student in electrical and computer engineering, received the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference in Houston in May. Her paper is titled “Embedded Chipless RFID Measurement Methodology for Microwave Materials Characterization.”
Read More »Dr. Anthony Petroy, vice provost for global learning, and Michael Nacy, a junior in electrical engineering, represented Missouri S&T at the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference in Houston in May.
Read More »The June 2016 issue of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement features an article written by Keith Strassner, director of Missouri S&T’s office of technology transfer and economic development (TTED). The article, titled “The Value of Ideas – Intellectual Property,” reviews the various types of intellectual property (IP), methods of protection and recent issues against the backdrop of the ever-increasing importance of IP and other intellectual assets as critical components of the economic development mission of universities, research hospitals and non-profit research foundations. The article includes an introduction by Dr. Reza Zoughi, Schlumberger Distinguished Professor of electrical and computer engineering.
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