Have you spent too much time calculating how much salary needs to be moved off an overspent grant? Or tried to figure out how much the grant will be charged when payroll is moved onto it?
Read More »Mendy Kell is a go-to person for many people at S&T. She is a grants and contracts administrator in the office of sponsored programs, a position she has held for 16 years.
Read More »Eight proposals for the Provost’s eFellows grants have been accepted for 2018-19 as part of a program that promotes innovative and collaborative course design for blended or fully online courses.
Read More »There have been several calls for proposals for mini-grant funding opportunities at Missouri S&T, including educational research mini-grants, curriculum development grants, and eFellows grants. If you are interested in these programs, but have a hard time keeping them straight or knowing which one may be the best fit, you are not alone. The Center for Educational Research and Teaching Innovation (CERTI) offers a grant comparison chart that provides side-by-side comparison of due dates, eligibility, grant purposes, funding sources and where to find more information.
Read More »Grants are available through the University of Missouri System’s Affordable & Open Educational Resources (A&OER) initiative. The program encourages faculty experimentation and innovation in finding new, better and less costly ways to deliver learning materials to students. Spring 2018 funding applications are due Friday, March 23. Get details at www.umsystem.edu/ums/aa/oer.
Read More »The University of Missouri Research Board recently awarded grants to seven Missouri S&T faculty members in the College of Arts, Sciences, and Business. The 12-month grants provide seed money for research initiatives in the categories of humanities, fine arts, social sciences and behavioral sciences. The recipients and their projects are:
Read More »All regular full-time tenured, tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty at Missouri S&T are invited to apply for mini-grants of up to $5,000 to help design or redesign an undergraduate course that will fit within the Latin American studies for technical applications (LASTA) minor. A letter of intent is due to the Center for Educational Research and Teaching Innovation (CERTI) at certi@mst.edu by Friday, Nov. 17.
Read More »The office of graduate studies implemented a Doctoral Student Recruitment Grant proposal program that was open for proposals starting in December 2016. The selection committee awarded approximately $23,000 in grant funds to assist departments in recruiting highly competitive doctoral students. The funded proposals are:
Read More »For the fourth year in a row, student financial assistance has earned the Missouri Department of Higher Education’s $25,000 Default Prevention Grant. The proposal was drafted and submitted by Sara Lewis, manager of student financial assistance, which builds on work done for previous grants. These funds cover the Miner Money Management Financial Literacy programs as well as other default prevention measures that Lewis manages. These programs have kept S&T’s Cohort Default Rate at 3.2 percent, allowing students to become successful, responsible alumni.
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