The office of graduate studies implemented a Doctoral Student Recruitment Grant proposal program that was open for proposals starting in December 2016. The selection committee awarded approximately $23,000 in grant funds to assist departments in recruiting highly competitive doctoral students. The funded proposals are:
- Dr. Joel Burken, Curators’ Distinguished Professor and chair of civil, architectural and environmental engineering, and Dr. Kwame Awuah-Offei, associate professor of mining and nuclear engineering, received funding for a joint program, “Underrepresented Groups Ph.D. Recruiting Proposal for the Departments of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering and Mining and Nuclear Engineering.”
- Dr. Wei Jiang and Dr. Daniel Tauritz, both associate professors, will lead efforts for recruiting Ph.D. students in computer science.
- Dr. Chang-Soo Kim, professor of electrical and computer engineering, will lead “ECE Summer Internship Program for Recruiting Doctoral Students.”
- Dr. Joshua Rovey, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, will lead the “MAE Distinguished Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program,” designed to introduce undergraduate students to research and pique their interest in pursuing graduate degrees for research careers.
- Dr. V.A. Samaranayake, Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor in mathematics and statistics, will lead efforts for recruiting Ph.D. students in math.
To assist these grant awardees, the office of graduate studies will provide the following services to support recruiting efforts: reports and enrollment analysis, attendance by recruitment specialists at graduate fairs, specialized email marketing campaigns and presentations to undergraduate student groups and classes.