BetterYou is a healthy habits companion app that is free for S&T students! Earn your first of many rewards after completing onboarding in the app, and get a $5 gift card to a retailer of your choice! Use the link below to download and sign up using your student email.
Read More »September is National Recovery Month! The goal of National Recovery Month is to raise awareness that hope and healing from mental health and substance use problems are real and possible.
Read More »September is National Recovery Month, and the goal is to raise awareness that hope and healing from mental health and substance use are real and possible. Student well-being has “Recovery is Possible” T-shirts available for those on campus who complete the Collegiate Recovery Ally Training.
Read More »Student well-being will present a University of Missouri System-licensed program, RESPOND, to train students, faculty and staff on how to recognize and provide initial assistance to people with mental health concerns.
Read More »Learn ways to emotionally regulate through connecting with and embracing nature in this new counselor-led group offered by Student Well-Being. This group will encourage activity, meet outdoors frequently, encourage earthing, and build a better sense of how you can regulate your emotions thought interacting with items in nature such as trees, plants, animals and so […]
Read More »As Thanksgiving and Christmas approach us, one group of students heads home with less enthusiasm than many of their peers. With only ⅓ of queer people finding their homes to be safe places to be open, it isn’t much of a surprise that many queer students end up closeted for the holidays.
Read More »They are searching for a new campus-wide mental health and wellness platform for students to use and want to know what you would want in a platform.
Read More »The Student Well-Being Personalized Care Model is a visual aid to helps students determine what support resources and services are available to them based on their specific mental health and well-being needs.
Read More »Mental health issues are far more common than most people realize. Fifty percent of us will encounter a mental health challenge in our lifetime!
Unfortunately, the group least likely to seek help are young people. And while starting college is exciting, some students find themselves overwhelmed by the transition to an unfamiliar environment full of new pressures and expectations.
Awareness and open lines of communication — with family members, professors/instructors, coaches and friends — can go a long way toward making sure no student struggles alone. Check out these tips on how to empower and support your new or continuing college student.
Student well-being is hosting “What We Say and How We Listen” on Thursday, June 30. This training is for university employees and is focused on how the language we use shapes the trajectory of our conversations. Topics that will be covered include person and identity first language, LGBTQIA+ affirming language, active listening, and nonverbal communication.
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