Each Missouri S&T employee should have received a mental health crisis response guide, also known as the Red Folder, in their campus mail. This resource, an initiative of the JED Health and Well-Being Committee, is designed to help employees support students who may be experiencing distress or crisis.
To foster a safe, healthy and caring community, it is crucial for everyone to recognize signs of distress and know how to respond. The Mental Health Crisis Response Guide provides information on supporting students, including tips for engaging with students in distress, a crisis decision tree that guides readers in responding based on the severity of the situation, and details on UCARE, student well-being and other campus, community and national resources.
Each folder contains additional resources, including guidance for responding to medical emergencies on campus, a quick-reference guide for individuals providing tailored support, and a mental well-being brochure highlighting resources available to faculty and staff.
Some departments may have received extra guides. Each building coordinator has been asked to place a folder in each classroom, lab and gathering area on campus.
For questions or feedback, please contact Jessica Gargus, assistant vice chancellor for student health and well-being.