What I wish I had known before – Part 1 

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On May 29, 2024

What I wish I had known before - Professors don't bite and other advice.

Your student can get a head start on college success! Share these tips from current students to increase your student’s success in the classroom and communication with professors and advisors.  Students were recently asked by student accommodations and testing advisors what they wish they knew before coming to Missouri S&T.  Here are their answers in this first of a two-part series. (Names have been withheld.) 

Academic Coursework 

  • “Classes begin the first day. It isn’t like high school where the teacher talks about themselves and plans for class. In college they cover new material the very first day.” 
  • “College teachers will expect you to know some of the information before classes start with no review like in high school.” 
  • “Actually use the syllabus and be sure to check how many assignments/types of assignments for the class are required before you decide to stay in the class.” 
  • “Check Canvas every day for assignments and deadlines, and to see if notes are posted.” 
  • “Check your student email for each course in Canvas regularly. This is how changes or announcements are made.” 
  • “The discussion board will not show up in student email. Information on discussion boards can be very helpful.” 
  • “Make sure you can access your electronic books.” 
  • “If there is advanced software needed for a course that your device doesn’t support, you can probably run it properly in a computer lab. But, the labs are only open during stated hours. Be ready for this.” 

Professors and Advisors 

  • “Read the syllabus to see how professors prefer to be contacted, and then use that method. Don’t use what is most convenient for you.” 
  • “Some faculty members are intimidating, while others are approachable.” 
  • “Meet and get to know your advisor. It is important to be comfortable talking with them.” 
  • “Don’t be afraid to go to office hours if you need help. Professors don’t bite.” 
  • “If office hours conflict with your courses, you can email your professor to set up a zoom meeting at a time that is better.” 
  • “If you have questions, email the professor early and often.” 

Freshman Engineering Class

  • “Stay up to date, don’t take it for granted.” 
  • “Schedule participation in programs and events early. There are limited slots for most events. You must go to events, then log that you attended. Then check the website to make sure it recorded your participation.” 

Deciding your major 

  • “You are not forced to decide a major before you come here.” 
  • “Freshman engineering classes help with this.” 
  • “Taking lower-level courses in majors you are interested in can help you decide.” 

Next week Part 2 will include advice from students regarding study skills, self-care, housing, nutrition, and general college life.

Missouri S&T Student Accommodations and Testing

G10 Norwood Hall

saat.mst.edu | 573-341-6655

Parent & Family Relations

Norwood 107• 320 W. 12 Street / family@mst.edu

Phone: 573-341-6323 • Website: http://family.mst.edu/

Facebook: Parent & Family Relations at Missouri S&T

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On May 29, 2024. Posted in Parents and Family

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