Let’s Meet: Stephanie Murray-Miller

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On May 13, 2024
Stephanie Murray-Miller

Hometown: I was raised in Richland, but now live in Waynesville, Missouri.

Title and Department: Health Educator, Student Well-Being 

Degrees/Certificates: Bachelor of Health Science in Public Health and Master of Health Administration from University of Missouri – Columbia (Mizzou).

Number of years of dedicated service at S&T: A little over a year!

What does a health educator do? I chair the S&T Prevention Coalition, coordinate our substance use prevention programming on campus, and provide wellness consultations to students. I also help to oversee our Joe’s PEERS student leadership organization which promotes health and wellness by providing education, encouragement, and resources to Missouri S&T students.

What do you enjoy most about your work? The people I work with and the students I get to interact with!

Stephanie with her husband, Willie.
Stephanie with her husband, Willie.

What is one thing on your bucket list? I want to travel to every state.

What do you do for fun? I love to read!

What is something that others may not know about you? I am obsessed with my cat! 

What is your favorite place on campus? I love the Miner Oasis located on the second floor of Norwood!

What would you describe as the most important personal attributes or strengths that you bring to your work? I strive to always bring kindness and teamwork to all the work I do.

What is the best advice you have ever received? One time, I saw a quote written on a wall that has stuck with me to this day.  The quote was “You were scared, but you still got here; don’t forget that.” I think we all get scared or nervous during different stages in our lives, but we should all try to remember how much we have already overcome and the inner strength that we all have.

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On May 13, 2024. Posted in Other