Students pet therapy dogs at the Student Success Center at Missouri S&T, in 2022. Photo by Noah Richardson.
College students experience a lot of stress. As parents, some of us are acutely aware of our student’s stress levels, and to others of us it may be less obvious. Of course, not every student experiences stress, and some students actually thrive on a certain amount of it; but many college students find that increased pressure or anxiety are part of the experience of college.
What is stress?
Perhaps one of the issues regarding college student stress, is that stress may be defined in many ways. For college students, stress may manifest itself as a general feeling of unease, feeling overwhelmed, changes to eating patterns, increased consumption of alcohol, low energy, difficulty sleeping, loss of or increased appetite, or difficulty with issues of self-esteem or self-worth. Stress may be difficult to identify because it takes so many forms. Many of the symptoms of stress may also be normal conditions of college life.
The factors which cause students stress are as varied as the students themselves. A condition which stresses one student may actually stimulate and excite another student. As parents, knowing your college student will help you determine what might, or might not, create difficulties for your student. An open dialogue about life at college will also help you determine how your student feels about some of these factors. Many college students have indicated that some of the following factors create feelings of stress for them.
Clearly, in spite of the message that many students receive about college being ”the best years of your life”, there are issues, worries, and concerns that can make college a difficult time for many students. Stress may be a motivator, a small temporary hurdle, or an obstacle that can stop a student in their tracks and require professional help.
What can parents do?
As parents, it is important that we recognize that student stress is prevalent and real. However, it is also important that we recognize that some stress is probably inevitable and possibly a good thing. We need to recognize that most students are coping and happy in spite of a certain degree of stress, and that most students will deal with their own stress in their own way. As with so many things in our college students’ lives, we need to find the balance between true concern, providing support when necessary, and knowing when to get out of the way.
We want to help our students have the best college experience possible. We want to protect them from harmful things and keep them healthy. As college parents, some of the difficulty that we experience is knowing that we cannot always ”make things better”. In our role as coaches rather than caretakers, we are limited to offering suggestions to our students and then letting them take control of their lives.
You must continue to trust the parental radar that may indicate when your student’s anxiety is more than normal everyday stress. If you have an indication that your student is having extreme emotional difficulty, suggest immediately that your student speak to someone at school. Missouri S&T has many resources and mental health professionals who are ready to help and who are experienced in college student issues. If you are concerned about your student’s wellbeing, submit a UCARE referral. A dedicated team is available to support your student.
For most college students, however, student stress can be addressed and, if not eliminated, at least alleviated. Many students reach out to parents when they are feeling stress, putting parents in an ideal position to discuss stress, and possible ways to deal with it.
Coping with stress
One reason to discuss stress with your student, perhaps before they have an opportunity to experience it, is to help them learn to be proactive in dealing with it. One problem that many students encounter is that stress takes them by surprise. There are four steps that can help your student actively deal with stress.
Strategies to share with your student
Once your student has named their stress and has determined to deal with it, here are a few suggestions that might be helpful. Share some of these with your student so they can think about changes that may be helpful.
Just as stress can take many forms, so can strategies to deal with that stress. As a college parent, you may be in a good position to help your student think carefully about how they have dealt with stressful situations in the past and how they can apply the coping skills that they already have to this new situation. This may be one of those times when your listening skills may be far more important than anything specific that you tell your student. Once again, knowing that you are there to provide support may be the most important job that you will have.
Author of Article: Vicki Nelson. Article adapted from Please Note: Missouri S&T does not endorse or have a relationship with SOURCE and articles are provided for information purposes only. Missouri S&T and SOURCE do not assume responsibility for error or omission in materials.
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