Updates for the S&T community
Four proposals were selected for funding through S&T’s ADVANCE Program’s Department Enhancement Grant initiative. These grants help departments implement strategies to reduce inequities and enhance the departmental climate, especially in the recruitment, retention and advancement of women.
The awards range in value from $8,500 to $20,000 and the projects, which last one or two years, began in January.
A second round of grants will be available for departments in the fall.
The awards are:
Materials Science and Engineering: The SMART service approach: Redefining faculty contributions while enhancing documentation and assessments of service
This project addresses the problem that faculty service loads are not always equitably distributed or accurately recognized in faculty evaluations, and that female faculty often carry a heavier service load than their male counterparts, especially if they are from historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups. Researchers will focus on researching optimal ways to capture and convey faculty service efforts, and develop a guide for tracking and assessing faculty service in a specific, measurable, accessible, realistic, and timely (SMART) manner. This guide could become useful for faculty in departments across campus.
Materials science and engineering faculty researchers include:
Chemistry: Inclusive culture towards faculty success
This project aims to help cultivate a sustainable inclusive culture within the department, especially for women and early career faculty. Participants will host a workshop presented by the Committee on the Advancement of Women Chemists focused on five areas identified as needing improvement in the department’s 2023 equity profile.
Chemistry faculty researchers include:
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Building resources for diversifying applicant pools
This project addresses the historic scarcity of female applicants for faculty positions in the department, making it difficult to diversify the faculty. Participants in this project will develop a database of female faculty in mechanical and aerospace engineering in 100 top U.S. universities to increase frequency of communications with these colleagues regarding hiring opportunities and to develop relationships with them that could be mutually beneficial.
Mechanical and aerospace engineering faculty researchers include:
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering: Reviewing and revising department policies and practices to promote equity and build community culture
This project will enhance department culture by establishing a leadership team that will serve as the department’s diversity, equity and inclusion committee. The committee will review departmental policies and procedures and initiate changes that will improve equity and inclusiveness. This project will also have a second focus on improving annual evaluation practices, with the support of Dr. Clair Kueny in psychological sciences.
Civil, architectural, and environmental engineering faculty researchers include:
On February 6, 2024. Posted in Accomplishments
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