Students at the 2023 Minerama, Photo by Michael Pierce, Missouri S&T
Most students go to college to learn. Many know, or at least soon discover, that their academic work at college will be different than the work that they did in high school. They are expected to spend more time studying and there is a higher level of thinking demanded.
But, the college years are also about experiential learning, which often happens outside of the classroom. Unfortunately, many college students pass up opportunities that they have in college because they are too focused on their academic life. Many worry that getting involved in activities or organizations on campus will distract them from their academic pursuits, rather than enhance their academics.
Your college student is learning to find their own path during college, and will need to make their own choices. But as a college parent, you can encourage your student to take advantage of the many opportunities available on campus. Encourage them to think about the benefits of getting involved in groups and activities that the college offers. Encourage them to attend Spring O’Rama on February 2, 2024, to learn more about the 200+ clubs, organizations, and design teams at Missouri S&T. If your student needs a little extra help, Peer Involvement Advisors (PIA) offer one-on-one advising based on your student’s interests and personality traits.
Great reasons to get involved.
Balance is important.
Being involved and engaged in campus activities can bring tremendous benefit to your college student. However, finding balance is key. Participating in some activities and groups at school are important for your student’s well-being. But, being involved in EVERYTHING, allowing activities to distract from studies, or interfering with their life focus, can be dangerous. Your student will need to consider – ”How much is enough?” and ”How much is too much?” Your student will need to find their personal appropriate and comfortable level of involvement.
Author of Article: Vicki Nelson. Article adapted from . Please Note: Missouri S&T does not endorse or have a relationship with SOURCE and articles are provided for information purposes only. Missouri S&T and SOURCE do not assume responsibility for error or omission in materials.
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