S&T welcomes new faculty

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On October 3, 2023

New faculty reception

New faculty at Missouri S&T pose for a photo at a welcome ceremony on Aug. 17 on campus.

Missouri S&T welcomed more than 30 new faculty members this year. They bring a wide range of expertise that includes artificial intelligence, astrodynamics, energy economics, energy storage, flood prediction, military history, quantum physics and wearable wireless sensors.

The new appointments began at the start of the fall semester unless otherwise noted.

The new faculty are:

  • Dr. Ali Dehghantanha, Cynthia Tang Missouri Distinguished Professor of Computer Engineering. He will join Missouri S&T in January 2024 and is currently an associate professor of computer science at the University of Guelph in Canada.
  • Dr. Hany El-Azab, assistant professor of chemical and biochemical engineering.
  • Dr. Kenneth Boyko, assistant research professor in geosciences and geological and petroleum engineering.
  • Dr. Michael Eze, assistant professor of chemistry.
  • Dr. Weibing Gong, assistant professor of geosciences and geological engineering and petroleum engineering.
  • Dr. Taihao Han, assistant research professor in materials science and engineering.
  • Dr. Qingguo Hong, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics.
  • Dr. Donna Jennings, assistant teaching professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.
  • Dr. Jikhan Jeong, assistant professor of economics.
  • Dr. Lijun Jiang, Kummer Endowed Professor of electrical engineering.
  • Dr. Seonjun (Sean) Kang, assistant professor of business and information technology.
  • Dr. Garyfallia Katsimiga, assistant teaching professor of physics. She will join S&T in January following her appointment as a visiting assistant professor of mathematics and statistics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
  • John Ketcherside, assistant teaching professor of history and political science.
  • Dr. Wenyu Liao, assistant research professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering, who joined the S&T faculty in February.
  • Dr. Charmayne Lonergan, assistant professor of materials science and engineering.
  • Dr. Jason Lonergan, assistant research professor of materials science and engineering.
  • Dr. Clayton Lungstrum, assistant teaching professor of mathematics and statistics.
  • Dr. Wumaier Maimaitiyiming, assistant teaching professor of mathematics and statistics.
  • Dr. Suman Maity, assistant professor of computer science.
  • Dr. Shelley Minteer, director of the Kummer Institute Center for Resource Sustainability and professor of chemistry. She began her duties Oct. 1.
  • Dr. Simeon Mistakidis, assistant professor of physics, will join S&T in January.
  • Dr. Farhan Mumtaz, assistant research professor of electrical and computer engineering.
  • Dr. Seung-Jong (Jay) Park, Kummer Endowed Chair of Computer Science.
  • Dr. Smriti Nandan Paul, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.
  • Dr. Satish Puri, associate professor of computer science.
  • Dr. Michael Peterson, assistant professor of philosophy.
  • Dr. Muhammad Raza, assistant research professor of mining and explosives engineering.
  • Dr. Gabriel Rocha, assistant professor of engineering management and systems engineering.
  • Dr. BongChul Seo, assistant professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering.
  • Dr. Katherine Sharp, assistant professor of education and biological sciences.
  • Theodore Sumnicht, assistant teaching professor of biological sciences.
  • Dr. Mark Towler, the Linda and Bipin Doshi Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, who began his duties in January.
  • Dr. Sharon Uwanyuze, assistant teaching professor of materials science and engineering.
  • Dr. Huiyuan Yang, assistant professor of computer science.
  • Dr. Bohong Zhang, assistant research professor of electrical and computer engineering.

For information about each faculty member’s educational background, expertise and experience, please visit news.mst.edu.

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On October 3, 2023. Posted in Accomplishments