ISC poster presentation winners announced

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On October 30, 2023

Intelligent Systems Center poster presentation

Participants at the 18th annual Intelligent Systems Center poster presentation.

Twenty graduate students participated in the 18th annual Intelligent Systems Center (ISC) poster presentation on Tuesday, Oct. 24, in the Havener Center.

The winners and the names of their posters are:

  • First place: Abhay Goyal, advised by Dr. Sanjay Madria, Curators’ Distinguished Professor of computer science, “MinerFinder: A GAE-LSTM Method for Predicting Location of Miners in Underground Mines.”
  • Second place (tie): Saeid Alipour, advised by Dr. Arezoo Emdadi, assistant professor of materials science and engineering, “Strong-yet-Ductile Titanium Alloys by Additive Manufacturing.”
  • Second place (tie): Irfan Ahmad Ganie, advised by Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani, Rutledge-Emerson Distinguished Professor in Electrical Engineering, “Online Lifelong Deep Reinforcement Learning based Tracking Control for Leader Follower Mobile Robot Formation”

Each student was presented an award certificate from Dr. Frank Liou, director of ISC, and Dr. Sanjay Madria, the poster presentation chair. The first-place winner received $500 and the second-place winners each received $250.

The annual poster presentation, funded by the Intelligent Systems Center, offers students the opportunity to present their research results. The guest speaker for the awards ceremony was Dr. David Borrok, vice provost and dean for the College of Engineering and Computing.

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On October 30, 2023. Posted in Announcements