It’s nearly here! Your student is looking forward to leaving your home soon for their first year of college. They are excited about meeting new friends, ordering late night pizza, and stepping out on their own. Which are all great, but let’s also be practical. To reduce misunderstandings or conflict, here are some nitty-gritty talking points you may want to discuss with your student before they leave for college.
Money Matters
- Will your student have a checking account set up? If so, who will be responsible for balancing the account?
- Whose name will the account be in?
- What will happen to any refund money that the student or your family may receive?
- Who will supply spending money?
- How much spending money is needed?
- Will your student be getting a job at school?
- Will your student have a credit card? If so, who will be responsible and what are the limitations?
Bills, Bills, Bills
- Who pays for tuition? How?
- Who pays for room and board? How?
- Who pays for school supplies? How?
- Will your student receive financial aid?
- Who pays other bills (phone, car, etc.)? How?
- Is your student allowed to charge expenses to their student account?
If Staying in a Residence Hall
- What to bring and what not to bring? Prepare for Miner Move-In!
- How often will you plan to visit?
- How often will your student come home?
- Are friends allowed to come home?
- Will you come for Family & Friends Weekend, September 22-24?
- How much notice will be given before a visit?
- What kind of rules will there be while home on a holiday break?
If Commuting from Home
- What rules are they expected to live by when they are home (curfew, housework, use of car, etc.)?
- Who pays for car maintenance or repair? Will a parking permit be applied for?
- Will your student share their class schedule so you know when they will be coming and going?
- Are friends allowed to come home?
- What additional chores will your student have while living at home? Laundry? Housework?
Let’s Talk
- Who calls whom? How often will we talk on the phone? Should we set a recurring time?
- Should we email/text each other?
- Should we send letters or cards? What will my campus address be?
Staying Healthy
There’s something I’ve got to tell you
- What do you want to know about their life?
- What do you feel comfortable sharing?
- What will they want to know about family events?
- Do parents get to know about grades? Progress in classes? Dating relationships? Roommate issues? Homesickness?
- What is shared about disciplinary troubles?
Don’t overlook
- Will your student add your phone number/email address to the campus Emergency Notification System?
- Will you be given Additional Authorized Access to view bills, see grades, or account information?
- What kinds of things does your student still need to purchase for school? Who is responsible for this?
- If you live in a blended family, what issues arise out of that? (Who pays for what? Where are breaks spent? Who makes decisions?)
- What insurance coverage does your student have for medical, personal, renters, car, etc.?
- When are breaks? See the Academic Calendar for academic dates and deadlines.
Understand that student and parent expectations are often not the same. This is your opportunity to see where any differences lie, and together come to an understanding through discussion. You can help prepare your student to have a great semester!
Parent & Family Relations
Norwood 107• 320 W. 12 Street /
Phone: 573-341-6323 • Website:
Facebook: Parent & Family Relations at Missouri S&T