Twenty-five S&T faculty members will receive promotion and/or tenure, effective Sept. 1.
Those faculty members are:
- Dr. Amy Belfi, promoted to associate professor of psychological science and granted tenure.
- Dr. Rui Bo, promoted to associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and granted tenure.
- Dr. Darin Finke, promoted to teaching professor of philosophy in arts, languages and philosophy.
- Lorie Francis, promoted to teaching professor of music in arts, languages and philosophy.
- Dr. Abhijit Gosavi, promoted to professor of engineering management and systems engineering.
- Dr. Daoru Han, promoted to associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and granted tenure.
- Dr. Victor Khilkevich, promoted to research professor of electrical and computer engineering.
- Dr. Audra Merfeld-Langston, promoted to professor of French in arts, languages and philosophy.
- Dr. Jason Murphy, promoted to associate professor of mathematics and statistics and granted tenure.
- Dr. Manashi Nath, promoted to professor of chemistry.
- Dr. Gayla Olbricht, promoted to professor of mathematics and statistics.
- Dr. Dan Reardon, promoted to professor of English and technical communication.
- Dr. Fateme Rezaei, promoted to professor of chemical and biochemical engineering.
- Elizabeth Roberson, promoted to associate teaching professor of English and technical communication.
- Paul Runnion, promoted to teaching professor of mathematics and statistics.
- Dr. Joan Schuman, promoted to teaching professor of engineering management and systems engineering.
- Dr. Michelle Schwartze, promoted to associate teaching professor of education.
- Dr. Kathleen Sheppard, promoted to professor of history and political science.
- Dr. Yun Seong Song, promoted to associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and granted tenure.
- Dr. David Spurlock, promoted to teaching professor of engineering management and systems engineering.
- Dr. Haiming Wen, promoted to associate professor of materials science and engineering and granted tenure.
- Dr. Kelley Wilkerson, promoted to associate teaching professor of materials science and engineering.
- Dr. Robert Woodley, promoted to associate professor of electrical and computer engineering.
- Dr. Chenglin Wu, promoted to associate professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering and granted tenure.
- Dr. Xiaodong Yang, promoted to professor of aerospace engineering.